Do I Need Custom Fitted Golf Clubs?

You may think you can play with any random golf clubs and that they don’t make a big difference in your game or how you hit the ball - especially if you’re new to the game. However, that’s not the case.

It’s key to use the right clubs for YOU instead of you trying to fit yourself to the clubs. For example, playing with “men's” clubs that are too long and have a stiff, heavy shaft won’t help you if you’re a newer golfer. They’ll actually create bad habits and force you to adjust your swing to fit the club. It will be tough to improve your game when you’re using the wrong fitting clubs.

Getting fit for clubs can make a BIG difference in your game and help you feel more comfortable and confident and result in better shots.

Do I need to be a good golfer to get fit?

No! Newer golfers can often benefit even more from a club fitting experience. All you need are the basics of the game and a passion for continuing your journey with golf.


How much is club fitting?

A fit typically costs around $250. That includes 3-4 hours of meeting with a fitter and getting assessed. They’ll look at your old clubs and compare them to new ones that will likely increase your distance and consistency - hello longer, straighter shots! Custom clubs prices can range from the same as off the shelf clubs to a bit more if you upgrade shafts. 

How do I know what clubs I need?

Getting fit for clubs will help you understand what clubs you need and are best for you to have in your bag. The fitters will base this off of how you hit different head and shaft combinations. You’ll end up with the right combination of woods, hybrids, irons and wedges. One of my most important things they look at is distance gapping - meaning ensuring that you have a good gap between clubs (usually 10 yards) and so that you don’t have three clubs in your bag that are all going the same distance.

What will the club fitter look for when I’m getting assessed?

  • Lie of your club - For example: Check that the toe of the golf club is not sitting up in the air - this could cause the ball to curve in a certain direction.

  • Grip size - If you have smaller hands, your fitter will recommend smaller grips that will work for the size of your hands. 

  • Length of shaft - This changes depending on your height.

  • Type of shaft - This depends on your swing speed and strength and can make a noticeable difference in your consistency.

Where should I go to get fit?

If you’re interested in getting custom fit for golf clubs, reach out to us and we can help connect you to some trusted Iron Lady fitting locations.

Getting fit for your clubs will help you to swing "normally" and you’ll reap the benefits of hitting the ball more consistently, longer and with the confidence knowing you have the right clubs for you.


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