Which Level Is Right For You?


Our goal is to guide you through your learning journey with us, advancing through the levels as you feel comfortable and confident in your skills. Start at the level that best matches your experience and progress at your own pace, ensuring a solid foundation and continuous improvement.

Level One: New To Golf

“I want to try golf for the very first time.” 

You are brand new to the game and have never held a club before. You're excited to discover what golf is all about, even though you have no prior experience. You are eager to learn the basics and build a strong foundation. You might feel a bit unsure but you are ready to take the first step and see where the journey takes you.

  • You are a complete beginner with no prior experience in golf 

  • You’ve never swung a golf club before

These programs focus on introducing you to the game, helping you develop comfort and familiarity, and the beginning of a solid foundation.

Level Two: Beginner/Advanced Beginner

“I want to become more comfortable and more consistent.”

You have some experience with golf, possibly at the driving range or having played a round or two. You are still figuring out the game but are committed to improving your consistency. You have a basic understanding of the golf swing but aren't yet comfortable. You're looking to build on your existing knowledge, gain more confidence, and start enjoying the full experience of playing golf.

  • You’ve gone to a driving range but have not taken lessons.

  • You may have played a handful of rounds.

  • You have some experience with swing mechanics but are not comfortable on the course.

  • You’re looking to build upon experience gained through Level 1 programs.

These programs focus on building foundational skills, understanding basic rules and etiquette, and gaining confidence in their abilities.

Level Three: Intermediate

“I want to improve and start keeping score.”

You've played a few rounds and are ready to start keeping score. You understand the basics of the game and want to improve your consistency and control. You're eager to refine your swing, learn more about course management, and are motivated to put in the practice needed to see real improvement and enjoy the game even more.

  • You’ve played multiple rounds of golf.

  • You feel comfortable with the basics but are not yet at an advanced level.

  • You want to start keeping score.

  • You’re looking to build upon experience gained through Level 2 programs.

These programs focus on developing a reliable swing, understanding scoring, course management, and strategies to improve overall play.

Level Four: Experienced

“I want to maintain a handicap/lower my handicap.”

You've been playing regularly and feel mostly confident on the course. You're focused on maintaining or lowering your handicap by fine-tuning your skills. You're ready to take your game to the next level, whether through advanced techniques, strategic play, or dedicated practice. You're excited to see how far you can go.

  • You’ve played in leagues and are confident playing with others.

  • You’ve played many courses.

  • You play regularly with a focus on improvement.

  • You want to establish a handicap.

  • You have solid skills and are looking to refine their game.

These programs focus on fine-tuning skills, detailed swing analysis, advanced course management, and strategies to lower scores.

Level Four Golfers!

We’d love to hear more about your golf journey and how we can support you as you work towards refining your game. Please contact us at info@ironladygolf.com so we can help you take your skills to the next level!

Our programs are designed with specific golfer levels in mind, clearly indicated in the product name. If a program does not specify a level, it is open to all levels, welcoming golfers of any experience to join.